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 Parent Company : Dezhou Ruixing Water Purification Materials Co., Ltd.
 Address:NO.1706, Shengyuan Road, Tianqu Industrial Park, Dezhou,Shandong,China
 General Manager:Chang Yinghua
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 Postal Code:253000


How to polyacrylamide market 09 years go


How do polyacrylamide market go in 09 Year? In the face of this sensitive topic, industry seems very concerned, comparing with the past 08 Year. The future may have more doubts and more to worry about. 08 Year has changed radically about raw material prices, the impact of domestic manufacturers on the market, cost strategy and so on. Anionic polyacrylamide prices had returned to that in 05 Year. The price of cationic polyacrylamide and homemade cationic polyacrylamide also lowered the price range of 30%, and more difficult is to grasp how dealers would operate in future market. When will the financial crisis alleviate?

   Domestic anionic polyacrylamide was 10 yuan per kg.

   Homemade cationic polyacrylamide was 20 yuan per kg.

   Cationic polyacrylamide and anionic polyacrylamide prices have dropped.

   We still need to know how polyacrylamide market go in 09 Year, do not do too much inventory. In 08 Year, it may have let us be very clear and market instability let the dealers more carefully.

  The road ahead may be more difficult, but the development of the overall idea is clear, the road is tortuous and the prospect is bright.

Parent Company : Dezhou Ruixing Water Purification Materials Co., Ltd.   Address:NO.1706, Shengyuan Road, Tianqu Industrial Park, Dezhou,Shandong,China   General Manager :Chang Yinghua   Tel :0086-534-2310678   Mobile Number :0086-13853486309  0086-13791355791   Company Mailbox:   Mailbox  Fax :0086-534-2217208   Postal Code :253000 
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